Performance Evaluation Manager

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81 ta sharh
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This app allows managers and users to quickly and easily evaluate Employees often between formal evaluation periods. It is intended to work concurrently with current company performance evaluation systems and procedures. Usually, formal reviews have long gaps, which makes it hard to track performance (good or bad). The user can capture performance records between formal reviews by using pre-defined questions or categories. Review questions can be weighted so quantitative results can be compared.

Not only employees can be tracked, but maybe even more importantly, you can track and document your own performance or create a self evaluation on a regular and timely basis between formal evaluations. You can track how well you are doing against your own personal goals and objectives.

The app was designed for managers and supervisors, who want to quickly and easily record evaluations on a regular basis. The evaluations (ratings and notes) get recorded and summed. After any period of time, eg a year, you can see the average of your ratings that makes it easy to quantify and write a formal review. By documenting throughout the year you will feel confident your rating and reviews are accurate, fair and complete.

SELF Evaluation:
What is Self Evaluation and why do it?
Self evaluation helps you be aware of what you are doing well and what you are doing poorly to help you be conscious of what you should improve on; whether it is working on a bad habit or setting a goal for self improvement.

The benefits are:
Being able to express to management the accomplishments you’ve achieved between evaluations.
Keeping track of repeated problems for you to improve on.
See if you are making improvements, gaining knowledge and experience.
Better track mistakes you have made to focus on.
Record of past issues.

EMPLOYEE Evaluation:
What is Employee Evaluation and why do it?
Employee evaluation helps you be aware of what your employees are doing well and what they are doing poorly to help you be conscious of what they can improve on.

The benefits are:
Being able to express to your employees the accomplishments that they achieved between evaluations.
Keeping track of repeated problems for your employees to improve on.
See if your employees are making improvements, gaining knowledge and experience.
Better track mistakes your employees have made to focus on.
Record of past issues.

This app can be used by any employee who gets reviewed by their employer, to evaluate themselves on a regular basis. This is extremely useful for several reasons:
1. To have a record of your own performance as documentation for company formal reviews.
2. Self evaluation as a means for improvement over time.
3. To record and document employee evaluations you will be required to write at formal company review schedules, including your supervisor, manager or peers.

You can try the app in Demo mode or register to backup up your info remotely.
Oxirgi yangilanish
9-may, 2024

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Xavfsizlik — dastur ishlab chiquvchilar maʼlumotlaringizni qanday jamlashi va ulashishini tushinishdan boshlanadi. Maʼlumotlar maxfiyligi va xavfsizlik amaliyotlari ilovadan foydalanish, hudud va yoshga qarab farq qilishi mumkin. Bu axborot dastur ishlab chiquvchi tomonidan taqdim etilgan va keyinchalik yangilanishi mumkin.
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