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WeCare is a home healthcare application that serves as a platform connecting those who seek a convenient and affordable various type of care with those who are able to provide it professionally and effectively. The overall aim is to improve operational and cost efficiencies and to enhance the services user experience.

WeCare health solutions was founded in 2017 by a group of pioneers of health care specialists and technical engineers with the purpose of creating smarter solutions for the patients and their families to be able to find different and segmented health care options that match their physical needs and budgets. Our website and mobile app offer a seamless browsing experience for you to be able to find your preferred caregiver and schedule a home visit for you or your beloved ones at your convenient times.

The Healthcare providers who are working via the application WeCare; will address the current challenges by sharing the responsibilities.
App. Features
1. Schedule HCP appointment.
2. Diverse and inclusive collection of segmented home health care Services.
3. Ability to order more than one service at a time.
4. The ability to repeat the request easily (re-order functionality).
5. Advanced push notifications system, to keep you updated and in the loop.
6. Advanced filtering option that allows you to reach to your preferred health care providers.
7. Organized wallet to enable care seekers to review payments details.
8. Different available payment methods.

App. Advantage
1. User Friendly.
2. Save time and effort.
3. Patient and family centric by having the ability of engagement with relatives via ordering health services for them.
4. Wide range of different verified and qualified health care providers.
5. Competitive service fees.
6. Provide all type of medical equipment’s that need to submit health care services.
7. 24/7 customer support team in your service.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-avg, 2024

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