Photo Negative Scanner: View &

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4,06 ming ta sharh
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Hi. Let's rediscover your old memories.

Photo Negative Scanner uses your phone camera to do real time conversion of your photo negatives into digital images. Think of it as a magic loupe that you can use to see film negatives through. Instead of seeing the inverted colors of a color negative, you will see the original photo.
Push the capture button to capture a crisp digital image ready to be shared with friends and family.

If you shoot film with an analog camera this is also a great tool for proofing and previewing home-developed negatives.

When you scan a film negative the photo is saved to your phone. You can view all the scanned negatives from your existing gallery app and share your photos directly to Facebook, Instagram etc.

The app is free, but adds a small watermark unless you purchase the app.
Which we appreciate you considering as it helps us make great apps for all our users.
So thank you.

Getting started

The quality of your scans is determined by the camera in your phone and the light source used to backlight your negatives.

1. Find a good way to backlight your photo film.
A quick solution is to use a laptop, phone or tablet with a white screen. Set the device to maximum brightness. Even better results can be achieved using a light table.

2. Develop photos!
Using the app, scan and convert negatives quick and easy. You can also import photos of negatives that you have made using a DSLR camera or a flatbed scanner.

3. Share your memories.
With your newly developed photos, all that's left to do, is to share and rediscover memories with your friends and family.

More features

• If the image has a blue or red tint, then manually adjust the temperature balance for the perfect photo.
• Photo Negative Scanner supports both black/white and color negatives. Just press the black and white button within the scanning interface to toggle between color and black and white mode.
• Use the light box feature on a second phone as a light source for developing your film negatives.
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-dek, 2020

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Improvements and bug fixes