Equalizer Pro - Bass Booster

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Equalizer: Volume Bass Booster is your music equalizer pro with bass booster free and volume booster free. Wanna feel how to use a equalizer and bass booster high quality? Here's your chance!

Get your music equalizer and bass booster free now! If you're not satisfied with your system sound effects and want a louder volume when listening to music, watching videos, playing games, setting alarm clocks, playing audios, etc., let our free equalizer and bass booster help you!

What can this speaker booster equalizer do?
1. Music equalizer free🎵
There're 10 bands for your adjustment and with this music booster, you can make your songs sound more wonderful boosting the bass or treble in your music player.

2. Sound amplifier🔊
In the extra volume booster page, you can raise the sound to 200% maximum by simply switching the button. The beautiful colors fill the external circle as you boost volume.

3. Equalizer sound boosterr🎶
More than 20 presets sound effects in this equalizer for android, ACG, Blues, Dance, Electronic, Jazz, Flow Bass, etc., and you can save your customized ones.

4. Eq pro with Edge lighting💖
In this music equalizer free, the edge lighting of amazing colors and border styles is for friends who like to decorate their phones, you can adjust the speed, width and notch settings.

5. More than a speaker booster🎧
Apart from a speaker booster, it can also be a headphone volume booster, so the bass music can be heard more clearly in your speaker and headphones.

6. Eq pro with Home screen widgets🔔
The home screen widgets can allow you to adjust the sound and switch songs when you're not in the app Equalizer: Volume Bass Booster.

7. Equalizer and bass booster with more features
The dynamic spectrum creates an immersive environment for music lovers while the virtualizer enhances the 3d surround sound, all in this music equalizer sound booster!

Ready to download and try our music equalizer for android bass booster free? Be quick and enjoy!
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-okt, 2024

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11,2 ming ta sharh
Eqrgxs 2008
6-yanvar, 2023
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🧡Equalizer bass booster in different styles
🧡Volume booster MAX to 200%
🧡Cool edge lighting colors
🧡Support Android 14
🧡Support premium retore
🧡Music information acquisition
🧡Permission guidance page
🧡All in our Equalizer Pro - Bass Booster