Kiosk Browser Installer

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1 ming+
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This app allows you to install and configure kiosk browser with locked screen into your other dedicated Android devices.

You can connect your target single purpose Android devices via USB OTG and configure a browser that loads predefined url and locks to fullscreen.

This app can be used in situations where your business requires dedicated Android devices restricted to one specific web app, for example
- presentational tablets in electronic stores
- navigational maps in shopping malls
- ordering systems in restaurants
- industry-specific automation web apps

How to use
1.) Enable developer options and USB debugging on your target device (the device where you want to install the kiosk browser)

2.) Connect the device where you've installed this app to the target device via USB OTG cable

3.) Allow the app to access USB device and make sure the target device authorizes USB debugging (it is recommended to check "Always allow from this computer", so that you are able to change configuration later)

4.) Tap on "INSTALL KIOSK BROWSER" button

When the browser was successfully installed, it should automatically launch on the target device and lock to fullscreen.

This application uses Android's APIs related to device administration which can be used to turn your target devices into "dedicated devices" running a single web app in the foreground.
It requires Developer options and USB debugging to be enabled on your target devices. Additionally, your target devices cannot have any accounts configured (should be first time started or fresh after factory reset) before you install the browser.
Please do not install this app, if you're not sure what USB debugging and "dedicated devices" (COSU) means.

How to enable USB debugging?

What is a "dedicated device" (COSU)?

How this app works?

This app contains ads, but the installed browser is of course ad-free.

No registration is required to run this app and the browser itself, and there is no time limitation and no other restrictions.
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-iyl, 2019

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Nima yangiliklar

- bug fixes
- enabled option to change refresh url
- enabled option for refreshing device connection if case there are issues with USB
- disabled Toasts
- enabled JavaScript
- enabled file input selection
- enabled immersive fullscreen