Location Demo Project

Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu ilova haqida

This application alongwith the ASP.NET Core Project (https://locationcore.azurewebsites.net/) is a proof of concept that allows a user to keep a record of the locations that an android phone travels.

The user has to first pair his device to the portal. For this the user has to install this android app. When this app is opened the first time, it shows a pairing code. The user has to enter that pairing code in the portal.

Whenever a user wants to track the locations of his device, he has to open the app and click the "Start Tracking" button. After that a foreground service starts on the phone and keeps sending longitude and latitude to this portal. User can select a peridicity of 10 or 30 or 120 seconds as per the needs.

The user can then open the portal to view the plot of locations on a map.

User can delete his locations and data.
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-fev, 2023

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