Imperial Checkers

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95 ta sharh
10 ming+
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T (13+)

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International Checkers provides you with the ability to play using various checkers rules played worldwide. It is the perfect choice for all those who love checkers and want to experience different draughts rules from around the world in one app.

The game supports the following draughts rules
+ International draughts This draughts variant is also called as international checkers or Polish draughts. The game played on a 10x10 board and it is most popular in the world.
+ English draughts This variant is also known as American checkers or straight checkers. It is mainly played in the US.
+ Turkish checkers It's also known as Dama or Damasi, primarily played in Turkey and some Arabic countries. The game uses 8x8 board with 16 pieces.
+ Brazilian checkers This variant is 8x8 representation of International draughts rules.
+ Italian checkers This variant is played in Italy and some Nord African countries. Rules are similar to English checkers. King cannot be captured by man.
+ Russian checkers Classic draughts variant, one of the most spread variant in Russia and Europe.
+ Spanish checkers It is also known as Damas. It is mix of classic checkers with flying kings and English checkers without backward capturing. Usually board is flipped and figures are located on white cells.
+ Thai checkers In Thailand, it is also known as Makhos. The rules are similar to Spanish checkers. But each player has only 8 pawns.
+ Jamaican checkers: This draughts variant is also known as Pool checkers, American pool, Swedish, or Norwegian checkers. In Jamaican checkers, the board is flipped horizontally.
+ Canadian checkers One of the largest draughts games, played on a 12×12 checkered board with 30 game pieces per player.
+ Ghanaian checkers This variant is also known as Damii, and its rules are very similar to International checkers 10x10.
+ Nigerian checkers This checkers 10x10 variant is played mainly in Nigeria and neighbor African countries. It is similar to International checkers, but board is reversed and max capturing is not mandatory.
+ German draughts This checkers variant is not very popular and was historically played in ancient Germany. It is also known as Gothic checkers.
+ Czech checkers This checkers variant is very similar to Spanish checkers, but capturing with king has priority.
+ Spansiretti checkers Ukrainian invented checkers variant played by Russian checkers rules but on 8x10 board.

Common Features
+ Single player with computer
+ Draughts for two
+ Short rules description
+ Strong Artificial Intelligence
+ Attractive boards - Las Vegas, Jamaican, American, Wooden, Marble, Flat boards
+ Simple user interface
+ Auto-save
+ Games statistics
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-apr, 2024

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86 ta sharh

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# Crash and clock fix
# More simple last game continuation
# Clock framework on playing with two players on same device
# Some small fixes