Colorado Nat'l Monument Tour

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"What is this place and why is it significant? What should I do or see here? I wish I had a tour guide!" Well, this is it!

Let us be your guide to help you as you explore the geology, the viewpoints, the hikes, the drive, along with the plants and animals. We would love to help you better understand and enjoy the sites and features of the area’s attractions.

Colorado! Think mountains, yes, but also gorgeous red-rocks, canyons, monoliths, and stunning views. At this National Monument, you can overlook the beautiful vistas of the surrounding cities in the river valley. From the rim you can see from the Precambrian rock at the bottom of the canyons all the way up through the overlying sedimentary layers that extend to the lava-capped Grand Mesa. This is one of the few places where you can stand on a cliff with birds flying above and below and see so much of the rich geologic evidence of Earth History.

“As a local, I’ve driven over the monument countless times. Yet, by using this app, I saw and learned all kinds of new things – not just creation-based responses to standard, mainstream geology, but information regarding hikes, area history, and design features of local flora and fauna – like bighorn sheep and yucca plants. It was really fun!” (Mark S. from Grand Junction, CO)

Whether going in person or just taking the virtual tour from your armchair, you’ll see truly amazing views and gain an immense amount of knowledge. The app is also keyed to GPS so you can track where you are in the park and to help you determine where to spend your time.

Look at the geologic interpretations from both a uniformitarian view and a catastrophic view and decide for yourself which one lines up with the evidence before your eyes. Is there support for a Biblical view of history here?

Download this app today for a better tour of Colorado National Monument! Join Us!
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-iyl, 2023

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Dasturchi haqida
Alpha Omega Institute
2140 Broadway Unit B103 Grand Junction, CO 81507 United States
+1 800-377-1923

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