G4A: Crazy Eights

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2,02 ming ta sharh
100 ming+
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This is a popular card game played all over the world in different variations. It has even been released commercially with special cards under the name "Uno". We use the rules that are most common in the United States.

Short summary of the rules:

The object of the game is to get rid of the cards in your hand by playing them on the discard pile,
where either the face or the suit of the card you play must match the face or the suit of the top-most card on the discard pile.
If you cannot play a legal card or if you do not want to play a card you must take a card from the stock pile.

Some action cards have special meaning:
- Any eight can be used to change the current suit (hence the name: Crazy Eights).
- When a two is played the next player must take 2 cards and must skip a turn.
- When a queen is played the next player must skip a turn.
- When an ace is played the direction of play changes.
- When a joker is played the next player must take 5 cards but is allowed to play again.

This is the game Crazy 8's in a nutshell, more elaborate rules can be found under the info button in game.

- A free card game that offers a lot of fun
- Another popular game in the Games4All series
- A world-famous game that everybody knows
- Do not get stuck with a joker or worse!
- Improve your statistics, improve your play
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-avg, 2024

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

1,77 ming ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

- Support for the latest Android versions
- Updated third-party libraries

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