WOD 365 Timer - Crossfit Train

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WOD 365 Timer is an easy to use timer with elegant design. It is especially oriented towards Crossfit (WODs) and similar types of trainings, like HIIT, Tabata and Interval Workouts.
It will quickly become your favourite buddy to train with every day - anywhere, any time.

WOD 365 Timer can run in the background, so you can keep up with your training and save battery on your device.
You can also play your own music and your tune will be uninterrupted.

TRAINING TYPES include Crossfit Training, HIIT and Interval Workouts, such as:

AMRAP - The aim of this Crossfit Training as the title suggests (As many rounds as possible) is accomplishing as many repetitions/rounds of the exercises for the selected time. With WOD 365 Timer you can set a time which counts down.

For Time - In "For Time", another Crossfit Training type, you try to do your workout as fast as possible. WOD 365 Timer will count up while you train. You can PAUSE your training or FINISH it by pressing the corresponding buttons. This can be used for your morning jog as well.

EMOM - The next Crossfit Training we support is "Every minute on the minute". WOD 365 Timer counts 1-minute intervals for as long as you would like. A beeping sound will let you know every time one interval is over and the next one begins.

Tabata - The "Tabata" style of interval workouts or HIIT combines WORK and REST intervals. You can set your own time schedule, as well as the total rounds that you would like to complete.

WOD 365 Timer will help you get better every day. It is ideal for Crossfit Training, HIIT, Tabata and Interval Workouts.
Oxirgi yangilanish
1-iyn, 2021

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