Lamartine: Live Wallpaper

92 ta sharh
5 ming+
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This app provides you an interactive 3D live wallpaper based on the oil painting "The Yellow House" by the 19th-century Dutch Post-Impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh.

In May 1888, Van Gogh rented four rooms on the right-hand side of a house on Place Lamartine in Arles. Vincent had finally found a place at the Yellow House where he could not only paint but also have his friends come to stay. His plan was to turn the yellow corner-building into an artists’ house, where like-minded painters could live and work together.

I extracted all the objects in this painting, modified them to correct the perspective distortion and recreated the whole scene in 3D. Then I used libGDX to animate the 3D scene as a live wallpaper. Hope you like it!
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-dek, 2022

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89 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

Finally Lamartine v1.0.0 arrived! 🥂
• New: fresh Material You interface with dynamic colors for Android 12+
• New: about page and crash log page
• New: wallpaper colors provided by the app for Android 8.1+
• Improved: slider values and labels