My phone is note 3 andriod version 4.4.2 kit kat, this apps cannot import the vnt file.When I open the apps ,the import page of the sdcard shows nothing ,ie no folder for you to choose leaving a blank page only.
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Google 用户
Can't import the file after upgrated to kit kat version. Pls help! Also hope the notes can be ordered by modified dates
Google 用户
簡單好用! 可惜如果可以建立目錄及分享會更好!
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VNote v14 ============== * Update for Android 7.0+ * Support more .vnt formats * Fixups for note sharing
VNote v12 ============== * Improve compatibility with .vnt files
VNote v10 ============== * Fix crash on start with no notes * Add search function
VNote v8 ============== * Fix crash when selecting multiple notes in list
VNote v7 ============== * Add "all" and "none" buttons to "Import files" activity