ACPP launches a currency exchange program for social time aimed at young people from Villaverde.
The objective of this initiative is to promote the social activity of the young population and the promotion of small businesses within the district.
Young people will carry out activities of a social nature that benefit the population of
Villaverde and in exchange they will receive a counterpart in social currency -El Boniatillo- that they may
use in the establishments of the District itself associated with the program.
Among the activities offered within the program are:
- Support to the libraries of the Neighborhood Association La Unidad de Villaverde Este and La Trueca
- radio programs with social content on Onda Merlin OMG
- Support in literacy and computer workshops for adults and seniors and Spanish classes for adults at the La Unidad Neighborhood Association of Villaverde Este,
- Participation in the cleaning day in the courtyard of La Trueca or in the graffiti and urban art contest to contribute to the improvement of degraded spaces within the District.
This initiative is completed with a training process in the classrooms where these young people study in which alternatives to the capitalist economic system are worked through the Guide "The Social and Solidarity Economy in the educational process".
With all this it is achieved, in addition to strengthening the economic fabric of a District with significant unemployment rates and levels of social exclusion, promoting solidarity activity and contributing to the construction of an active citizenship that is committed to an economic system that takes into account people, the environment and sustainable and sustainable development.