1, The latest data about zip code can be downloaded from Japan Post Service Co., Ltd directly and be extracted automatically.
2, Find the zip code(resident address and company address)from index of top screen.
3, Search zip code by in putting zip code/kanji in the top screen.
4, Favorite your often used zip code. (long clicking to delete)
5, You can mail zip code information and search by WEB.
6, The following information can be found in the detail screen.
Zip code, address(copy it by long clicking) of Kanji and kana, old zip-code, the Romaji address is also available if you downloaded the Romaji data.
1, You should download all the latest zip code data at first after you install this application.
2, If you always want to use latest zip codes of Japan, you should download the data once every month, because the data are changed every month by Japan Post Service Co., Ltd.
3, The internet environment is needed for downloading and searching.