BigFarmNet MySow is the app for every sow farmer using a BigFarmNet system. It simplifies the daily work and helps to enter the data directly at the animal. The entered data is transferred to the system in real time. Activities such as insemination, farrowing and weaning or adjustments to feeding data can be set individually for each animal and implemented quickly and easily with the help of the handheld reader. Animals that have not eaten are visible in a list. Using QuigTag, the Big Dutchman location transponder, these lists can be filtered at pen level. This will only show the animals that are in the pen that the user is standing in front of currently. This makes it easier to find animals in a large group and saves time.
Possible activities and available overviews in BigFarmNet MySow:
• Move-in, move, move-out of sows and dead sow
• Insemination, farrowing, move of piglets and weaning
• Add or change tag numbers
• Adjustments of feeding data
• Selection activity and selection overview