Your best bargain corner in Cameroon. Purchase-sale, service, employment.
Your best bargain corner in Cameroon. Purchase-sale, service, employment. Free classifieds site in Cameroon, Bj-deal is a good Cameroonian corner of good busines +237. Best corner of classifieds, you will find Dating, Purchase - Sale, Employment, Leisure Cinemas Sport, Objects, Real estate and a varied range of services and products which will make you happy.
You can also sell your new or used items between individuals or with professionals. In your neighborhood, city or anywhere in Cameroon.
Thanks to the Bj-deal application, you can sell your second-hand items in the blink of an eye. Where and when you want. Post an ad today or browse the different categories: vehicles, services... And all this, from your smartphone or tablet!
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Do you love finding bargains, finding second-hand items at an unbeatable price? Do you want to meet nice new people near you? Or are you looking for a used car? Or rather Did you find something you like on Bj-deal? Send a quick message to the advertiser and make an offer directly. All you have to do is sit down and wait for your cell phone to ring!
You can also use Bj-deal to promote your services, an event you are organizing, post a job offer, etc.
Upload photos from your phone, add a description to your ad and that's it, your ad is online! As soon as someone is interested, you will be informed immediately and all you have to do is respond.
Find what you're looking for and sell what you no longer need. Discover the ads near you in the sections Employment, Dating, Real Estate, Food, Buy/Sell, Training, Events or Services, Leisure [...].
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