Ludo Superstar - Parcheesi

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401 K de recenzii
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Despre joc

Dust off your dice and get ready for Ludo Superstar, the online board game that's more fun to play than a weekend hangout with friends! This multiplayer online game brings friends and family together for online multiplayer fun. This dice game combines strategy with friendly competition. With voice chat, connect seamlessly with friends and add a social touch to every roll!

Ludo Superstar is more than an online ludo game; it's a platform for connecting with loved ones. Whether you're a seasoned ludo player or new to online ludo, the classic ludo experience awaits your enjoyment. Play with your friends and prove who the real Ludo Star is!

🌍 Play Online with players around the world or with your friends and family.
🗣️ Voice chat with your opponents. Make new friends.
🎮 Multiple game modes! Explore Classic, Quick, Team-up, and more!
🤖 Offline? Show out smart bot who is the real Ludo King.
🎨Customise your game with premium assets
🏆Complete events, win exclusive rewards with Ludo SuperStar.
🔄 Use Power-ups to control your luck and become Ludo Star
😄 Send funny emojis, and emoticons and make the ludo game more interesting.

Game Modes:
Classic : Immerse yourself in Ludo with this timeless mode where strategy and luck come together. Enjoy the classic ludo experience in both 2 and 4-player modes.
Quick: Ludo on the go, where strategy meets speed and every dice roll counts
Friends: Connect with friends through Facebook or WhatsApp, and challenge them to a friendly match. Experience the joy of playing Ludo with friends, no matter where they are!
Team-up: Form alliances with friends or match with players online to play in teams. Collaborate, strategize, and celebrate victories together in this unique multiplayer board game mode.
Tournament: Compete in exciting tournament to showcase your Ludo skills and win 6X the reward and become a Ludo King
Blitz: Strategize with Blitz mode, know your next dice rolls and play smart for a thrilling online Ludo experience.
Computer: No Internet? Play offline with our smartbot.
Pass and Play: Gather friends and family around a single device for a classic Ludo Pass and Play experience.

Ludo, with its origins in ancient India and known as Parchisi and Parchessi, has remained popular through the ages. The advent of online ludo in the digital age has further increased its appeal. Immerse yourself in dice-rolling and strategic gameplay, aiming to become a Ludo champion in this blend of classic board gaming and modern multiplayer ludo excitement.

Embark on a journey of nostalgia and excitement with Ludo Superstar. Roll the dice, strategize your moves, and play Ludo with friends and family for unforgettable gaming moments. Whether you're a casual player or a seasoned Ludo enthusiast, this free online multiplayer game promises hours of entertainment. Download Ludo Superstar now and become the Ludo King in this classic board game reimagined for the digital age!
Ultima actualizare
24 apr. 2024

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Evaluări și recenzii

393 K de recenzii
Dunaew Bianca
27 martie 2024
M ia plăcut foarte mult acest joc, dar de la un timp se blochează foarte mult și abia mai merge. Dau cu zarul îmi cade 6 după se blochează și când dau a doua oara îmi cade 1 sau 2. Nu înțeleg de ce! Remediați problema!
Ai considerat utile aceste informații?
BlackLight Studio Games
27 martie 2024
Hopa! Ne pare rău să auzim asta de la tine. Vă rugăm să ne trimiteți înregistrarea video care arată problema exactă prin și să distribuiți ID-ul de utilizator al contului dvs. - Team Ludo SuperStar
Liliana Vasilachi
20 februarie 2024
Un joc frumos care îmi aduce aminte de copilărie Nu te supăra frate!
Ai considerat utile aceste informații?
BlackLight Studio Games
21 februarie 2024
Vă mulțumim pentru recenzia fantastică de 5 stele a Ludo Superstar! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Suntem încântați să auzim că vă distrați jucând acest joc și apreciem cuvintele voastre amabile. 😊
My Myrela
19 noiembrie 2023
Nu meritați nici o stea, faceți în așa fel în cat doar adversarul sa câștige. Pe lângă că nu-i fain sa te bucuri că te joci mai e și plictisitor.
O persoană a considerat această recenzie utilă
Ai considerat utile aceste informații?
BlackLight Studio Games
20 noiembrie 2023
Bună Jucător, Jocul este corect pentru toată lumea și aruncarea zarurilor este complet aleatorie. Câștigul sau pierderea depinde de strategie. În ceea ce privește jocul, am împărtășit feedbackul dvs. echipei în cauză și, dacă aveți sugestii, vă rugăm să ne scrieți în detaliu prin intermediul asistenței din joc. - Echipa Ludo SuperStar


Bug fixes:
- Album not visible
- Offers not visible
- PLAY button hidden

Enjoy these features:
- Check out the new dice, tokens and board in Computer and Pass & Play mode.
- Never skip the free booster to get double the rewards.
- Issues related to tournament and Blitz mode are fixed.