This application is oriented CASMU partner and can use any member that has a mobile device with Android or IOS.
To use it, the partner will use the same PIN now uses to connect to Personal Web Site on the Internet Partner.
The purpose of the application is to provide the agile alternative partner so you can access the various services provided CASMU, and is also an efficient tool for communication between the partner and CASMU
The interface of the app is based on Google Material Design. In turn, although it works on a mobile device interacts directly as online, with corporate systems available to Casmu to provide care to their patients: the system Customer Management, System Management Agenda, the system Laboratory Management / paraclinical studies, pharmacy system, the EHR system, etc.
It includes the facilities the partner and now has the Web Site CASMU, to which others have joined him, for example the ability to receive notifications from CASMU of different situations. In the future, it is planned to be adding other options or facilities that allow easier access to social services.
CASMU allows the partner, to make different procedures and applications without having to attend CASMU or call Call Center.