VIN Scanner FastBook®

171 ta sharh
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FastBook® VIN Scanner 5.0 allows auto dealers to scan vehicle VIN barcodes with their smartphone cameras. FastBook® is not a free service. FastBook® allows users to simultaneously book out NADA, Kelley Blue Book, MMR, Black Book, Carfax, AutoCheck, Retail Competition View, and DealersLink® Comps.

Values can be saved to the FastBook® desktop application and update as book values change. For more information about FastBook® please visit:

DealersLink® members receive a free FastBook® license with their membership:

*** New 5.0 Features! ***
Swipe navigation, faster multi-threaded book retrievals, improved VIN scanner, all book conditions matrix, vehicle grades, competitive pricing and velocity charts, one time saving, improved user interface design, previous book out launch list.

FastBook® VIN Scanner also features copy and paste functionality for VIN uses elsewhere in other applications. VIN scanning reliability varies by vehicle and between Android hardware. FastBook® VIN Scanner allows you to key in partial or full VIN’s and has year, make, model drop down menus if you are unable to scan a VIN.

FastBook® is designed by dealers for auto dealers and is not designed for the general public. Only auto dealers may purchase a FastBook® license.

We recommend that dealers first download the free scanning application and test it prior to purchasing a FastBook® license.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-apr, 2024

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