DS Speedometer Custom

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Use the app to get accurate speed and distance while driving, cycling, flying or boating. Record your travels and share them with other apps and other people.

This speedometer is fully customizable. Choose from 4 different speedometer styles and set the display colors to your liking.

The gadgets in the app are easy to use and are packed with tons of extra features. Just open the app and start driving. In addition to several odometer and speedometer styles, the app includes an easy to use route recorder, trip manager and a trip stat logger.

Additional capabilities include:

✔️ Driving maps styled for day and night use show all your speedometer stats and your location as you are moving.

✔️ Map, save and share your journeys as kml files and view them in Google Earth.

✔️ Speed alarm. Drive safely and avoid traffic tickets! A warning alert will sound when your vehicle's speed exceeds the limit.

✔️ Driving Compass.

✔️ Separate trip and lifetime total odometers traveled. Override the odometer to transfer the mileage / kilometers from your car, boat or other vehicle.

✔️ Heads up display (HUD). All speedometers can be set to display a mirror-image so that you can reflect the screen off your windshield or specialized HUD display.

✔️ Every speedometer style goes full-screen in both portrait and landscape modes- even on tablets.

✔️ Trip charge meter. Apply charges for distance traveled. Print out the trip charges as a csv file and submit them to your employer for travel reimbursement or for tax purposes.

✔️ DS Custom Speedometer stores all your trips with the following statistics:
• Distance and all points traveled (for mapping).
• Exact departure and arrival dates.
• Departure and arrival times and locations.
• Trip duration.
• Average and maximum speeds.

✔️ Great for fleet logging.

✔️ Makes an excellent odometer, speedometer and route recorder for your bicycle whether you are mountain biking or on the road.

✔️ Travel backup and restore: Back up your data at anytime as a kml file. If you change phones you can easily import all your trips back into the application using the application's file import feature.

✔️ We hope that you will love the app and upgrade it, but even if you do not upgrade, the app will never show an advertisement while you are driving.

Get the most complete and accurate speedometer for any android device. Only on Google Play.
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-noy, 2022

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Nima yangiliklar

1. Purchasing is no longer required for file importing, exporting, data backup and data restoration.
2. User interface improvements.