DocHub: Edit, Sign & Share PDF

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Über diese App

When you need to get documents done on the go, the DocHub free mobile app delivers the best PDF experience. Trusted by over 87 million users, the app lets you add, edit, sign, fill out, and share documents from your mobile device.

Easily add and organize your documents
Work on documents from anywhere. Open an existing file or add a new one. You can upload your document or its photo from your mobile device, or capture it with your phone in a snap. After making changes, securely save documents to your device. Forget about misplaced or lost paper documents. With the DocHub app, you can keep every one of your files secure and organized from anywhere by placing them in folders.

eSign and create signature requests on the go
Turn your smartphone into an e signature app to keep your business moving from anywhere. Collect legally-binding electronic signatures straight from your smartphone. Add recipients, assign the fields they need to complete, and let them sign PDF from any device, all at once or in a specific order. When every document signer completes their part, you will get instant push and email notifications, so you don't miss a beat.

PDF editor that works from anywhere
With the DocHub mobile application, you can edit PDF from anywhere. Simply tap your PDF to open it in the file editor and start customizing it to fit your needs. Write on PDF or edit PDF text, draw shapes, add images and highlights, white out or strike out information where necessary. Add and rotate pages to make your document look the way you want. After making changes, share your document with others or save it to your device in a few taps. Never print to PDF or scan papers again.

Create fillable PDFs and templates
With the DocHub mobile app, you can create and fill forms directly from your smartphone. Use the intuitive field manager to add fields for signature, text, initials, and more, anywhere on your document. Edit PDF forms by moving fields around or deleting them. Add your signature or let others sign PDF from anywhere. Share your form via public email or a secure URL. If you need to resend a PDF document to multiple contacts, turn it into a reusable template for each recipient to sign and complete their own copy. Easily access every completed copy with one master template on your mobile device.

Collaborate and share from anywhere
With the DocHub app, sharing and collaborating on documents is a breeze, no matter your location. If you need multiple people to work on one file, set permissions to let your recipients view, e-sign, or edit your document.
Track a document’s status
Never miss a change in your forms by tracking their status in real time from anywhere. Get instant push notifications the moment your document is finalized or view detailed activity in a document to see when it was opened, viewed, signed, and completed.
Keep your documents secure
With DocHub, your documents are protected with our robust security measures, including end-to-end encryption and biometric authentication. DocHub also complies with industry-leading security standards, allowing you to work on your documents with confidence from any location.
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Bewertungen und Rezensionen

53 Rezensionen


Various bug fixes and improvements.