Edentified replaces the use of traditional passwords with one-time-passcode (OTP) to gain access to your online accounts. It generates an OTP which together with your email address allows you to gain access to your online accounts.
Edentified also supports QR code authentication where you can sign in by simply scanning a qr-code presented on the online account screen and edentified takes care of the rest.
How does it work:
After installation, you enroll your email address using edentified. An activation code will be emailed to the enrolled email address.
Activating your credentials is done by entering or scanning the activation code emailed to you using edentified.
Once activated, a cryptographic device key is generated and stored securely in your edentified app. This key is used to generate the OTP or to perform QR authentication.
Edentified uses advanced cryptographic calculations to provide secure authentication while accessing your accounts.
Edenified, the ease of elevated security use.