Dear colleague
It is an honor to inform you of the celebration of the XX National Congress of the Spanish Society of Radiological Nursing (SEER), which will take place on September 29, 30 and October 1, 2022 at the Luis Adaro Conference Center in Gijón, under the motto: “Resilience in Diagnostic Imaging, Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy in the face of unforeseeable situations: COMMON NURSING EFFORT”.
After the complex and compromised situation in which nursing has been directly involved with the current COVID-19 pandemic and the manifest need to continue training, the SEER has decided with great enthusiasm to carry out the possibility of meeting again the professionals from the Radiotherapy Oncology and Brachytherapy, Nuclear Medicine and Metabolic Therapy, Diagnosis and Imaging Treatment and Interventional Vascular Radiology services at this XX National Congress, also welcoming the new nurses who, with the same affinities and enthusiasm, have a special interest in exchanging experiences within these areas.
The members of the Scientific Committee and the Organizing Committee have outlined several objectives for this congress with the hope of improvement and optimism regarding success, despite the demands, changes and limitations in many of the usual activities and practices. However, as stated in the motto of the congress, this has been a challenge in the face of unforeseeable situations, constituting an effort by nursing to adapt in the application of nursing care, the essence of its presence with functions and competencies.
Likewise, we have proposed to design a scientific and social program with great care, hoping that it will be to your liking, for which we would appreciate maximum dissemination in the different areas in which we carry out our activity to enable a greater presence of professionals with the aim of share experiences and scientific content and promote our professional and human growth.
We take this opportunity to invite you to participate and give you a warm welcome to Gijón, which has traditionally distinguished itself for the hospitality of its people, for its tourist and gastronomic offer. A city in which history has left innumerable traces, the same ones that will catch you.
Best regards
Laura Pla Olive
President Organizing Committee