Learning App - Hungama Kids

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Hungama Kids is a user-friendly and entertaining platform that caters to kids between the ages of 0 and 18. The goal is to educate children in an interesting and unique way and to train their minds in topics that are different from what is taught to them in school. From Bedtime Stories to Nursery Rhymes to Short Stories, we have it all. The key to happy learning is to simplify the method of teaching so a child learns the most essential facts in a unique way. Learn about cool Science Inventions and Science Marvels and find out some interesting facts about very famous inventors who created the objects your child uses daily but in a unique and simple way. While the app has a lot of educational content, we also has had an amazing Tabla workshop by renowned artist Anuradha Pal to move away from books. Famous Rhymes, funny bird riddles, a quick quiz time, come do it all with Hungama Kids. There’s a huge list of videos you can hook your child onto and stay stress free about what they are watching. Original Bedtime Stories to put your child to sleep while Short Stories to engage them and their minds through the day. We also have stories like Rapunzel and Cinderella that can be watched whenever and wherever. So, what are you waiting for?
Download the app now and press play to start learning. Make Hungama Kids your go-to learning app today!


1. The best learning App with a wide range of educational and entertaining video.
2. Simple subscription with phone number and email id options for premium content access.
3. Over 1000+ short, educational, and learning videos for kids and parents, including Bedtime Stories, Nursery Rhymes, Fun Quiz, Science Marvels, and more.
4. A bilingual platform (Hindi and English), with future content in regional Indian languages being developed.
5. Age-appropriate content and a user-friendly platform.
6. Learning videos for Infants, Toddlers, Adolescents, Tweens, and Teens, as well as parents.
7. A massive library of HD quality videos to stream on your laptop, mobile device, or tablet.
8. Simple video sharing with friends and family.
9. There are no third-party ads, in-app purchases, or tricks. Genuine educational infotainment!


While creating Hungama Kids, we wanted to develop an app that would not just cater to children of all ages but also for parents to find something for themselves. Hence, we can proudly say that Hungama Kids will assist you in raising your child in the most fuss-free way and will make your parenting journey easier.
★★★Convert your tablet or smartphone into an educational toy phone for your child. ★★★
Oxirgi yangilanish
11-okt, 2022

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