You can create colors through red, green and blue sliders.
Use the palette, color wheel, photo or image in your gallery and pick the color of any touched point.
Find out the name of the color.
Using the color wheels you can quickly create a gradient preview.
Set gradient or single color wallpapers to home screen or just save your creation.
ā¢ Easy color pick from palette, color wheel or image
ā¢ RGB wallpaper
ā¢ Gradient wallpaper
ā¢ Color wheel
ā¢ Random color
ā¢ Favorite colors list
ā¢ Convert RGB color to HEX, HSV and CMYK formats
ā¢ Take a photo using the camera or open image from gallery
ā¢ 377 official named colors in collection
ā¢ Find color name for RGB or HEX values (or nearest color name)
ā¢ Blur effect on saved gradient images and wallpapers for best quality
ā¢ Copy color to clipboard
ā¢ Share and post color as image or text
ā¢ Simple user interface
ā¢ English
ā¢ Russian