Pandroid Camera Blocker

46 ta sharh
1 ming+
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Pandroid Camera disables and reenables your devices cameras at your will. If you deactivate your device cameras using this app, no app can access cameras.

How it works
Pandroid Camera uses the Device Administration API to tell your phone that the use of cameras is completely prohibited. You can enable and disable cameras in the app, or if you are on Nougat or above, you can use a quick settings tile.

This app requests no normal permissions. But it does request to be a device admin, but only access to 'Prevent use of device cameras', as one can gather from the dialog when enabling the device admin. It can only do this, not one thing more.

If you have any suggestions, bugs or anything else you would like to share with us, drop us a line and we'll check it out.

Limitation of Liability
This app is provided on an as-is basis, no warranty is implied or expressly given.

Now you can sleep a bit safer at night.
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-avg, 2017

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