ERP Software Xestión of Horticultural Business mobilidade
Among features as you stand ou Principais obxetivos folowing:
-Caderno Country: Allows Recollida and processing of all information necessary for or caderno field (plots, plant protection, fertilization ...)
Economic -Xestión: Rexistro of tempos by tarefas imputs and expenses of acadar Propose coa one custo by unidade produced / sold.
-Xestión Commercial: Coa introduction ao das labels Qr allows consumers identify or produto concerning or Producer. Besides a certain Obter unha permitelle guarantee calidade permitirlle years ao mesmo do access data production (farming, empregados fertilizers, pesticides, data Recollida ...)
-Trazabilidade: A compilation of all information nun só site allows access to all traceabilitye dun produto dende or seu posto growing ties or band
AinfoHor is designed to bring Android devices, sendo produtores eat free for both consumers
ERP Software Management Horticultural Business Mobility
Among the features or objectives include the following:
-Cuaderno Country: Enables the collection and processing of all information necessary for the field notebook (plots, plant protection, fertilization ...)
Economic -Management: Registration times for tasks and imputs expenses, in order to achieve a cost per unit produced / sold.
-Management Commercial: With the introduction of the QR tags allows the consumer to identify the product respect to the producer. Permitelle get besides a certain quality assurance by allowing access data even production (cultivation, fertilizers used, pesticides, data collection ...)
-Trazabilidade: The collection of all the information in one place allows you to access all traceabilitye of a product from its growth to stall
AinfoHor is designed for Android devices, being free for both producers and consumers