DeepRelax4U - Sleep and Relax

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Do you have trouble to fall asleep? Suffer from insomnia? Do you have a hard time to put your newborn to sleep? Or just want to relieve stress and anxiety?

The free DeepRelax4U app can help you with all those problems! You can sleep and relax with nature sounds, meditation sounds, relaxing sounds, rain sounds, and much more. Get a high-quality sleep by listening to high quality sounds that will help you wake up feeling refreshed.

This free app can help you:
- Meditate
- Sleep
- Concentrate during study
- Reduce anxiety and stress
- Relaxing after a tiring day
- Calm your baby down
- Block outside noise
- Relieve your pet's separation anxiety

Do you know about binaural beats and how it can help you in different ways?

If you have sleep problems, try listening to a relaxing 30-minute music session with Delta 0.5 Hz binaural beats before go to bed.

If you want to increase your concentration at work or study, try listening to the binaural beats Gamma 40 Hz or Beta 30 Hz.

Here's how binaural beats can help:

Alpha 10 Hz (Stress relief)
Beta 30 Hz (Attention, Focus)
Delta 0.5 Hz (Sleep)
Gamma 40 Hz (Study)
Theta 4 Hz (Meditation)

High-quality features:
- Create mixes of sound to sleep and relax
- Play background sound and adjust the volume
- Schedule sleep timer to stop the sound
- Simple and easy to use
- High quality soothing sounds
- Free app to enjoy sounds

Sources (Royalty Free):
Pictures | |
Music and Sound Effects - | | | | | |
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-avg, 2023

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