Plot functions, derivatives & integrals. Explore frequency analysis and Digital Signal Processing (DSP) concepts through graphs. Solve equations numerically using a variety of methods. plotXpose app is a companion to the book Mathematics for Electrical Engineering and Computing by Mary Attenborough, published by Newnes, 2003.
The app allows you to define and plot a General Function made up by a composition of any of the following standard operations and functions:
-, +, *, / , ^(power), sin, cos, tan, ln (log base e), log (log base 10), arcsin (inverse sine), arccos (inverse cos), arctan (inverse tangent). In addition a Square Wave or Triangular Wave can be defined. You can open a previously saved function from a file.
Help is available from ( There you will also find problems, to be solved with the app, useful for understanding aspects of engineering mathematics, in particular fundamentals of digital signal processing and numerical methods.