The ultimate gardening application for Android.
iGarden USA is a gardening tool used to help you plan your garden as well as track its progress. Recommended plating dates are provided according to your specific climate zone.
Other iGarden USA Features Include:
* Planting instructions specific to your climate zone
* Ability to edit the default planting instructions to tailor to your specific needs
* Add your own custom seed information with photos.
* Includes information about compatible and incompatible plants
* Known pests and remedies for the various vegetables, fruit, and herbs
* Integrated wiki providing even more useful information about the vegetable, fruit, or herb
* My Garden allows you to track when you planted and estimates the remaining time before harvest
* My Garden allows you to specify planting indoors or outdoors and specify the age of the plant
* My Garden allows you to specify a date in the future you wish to plant
* Integrated weather and alerts
* Ability to take notes with photos from camera or gallery
* Zone map