Omnifit is a platform created with all the tools that will make you more productive by doing more with less effort. With automated payment you don't have to worry about receivables, you have access to all the tools needed to be more productive and can track performance of your students. Follow the training and guide your students live by video call.
Video call
- Through the video call tool, you can guide and verify that your student is performing the exercise in the right way and with the correct posture.
Follow your students
- Have access to all the trainings performed and use your data and student feedback to adjust the prescription and enhance the results.
- Through chat, you and your students can maintain practical and direct communication with the exchange of files, questionnaires, personalized assessments and photos.
Training Prescription
- The prescription of the training will be easier and more agile through a system of parameterization of the exercises, where your personalized guidance is automatically sent to your student.
Be part of our Coach HUB
- Have your complete profile to be displayed on our coach search tool and be found by more students.