The Recycle Right app assists residents in the Perth metropolitan region and Avon Valley to understand which bin to put rubbish in, as well as providing drop-off locations for items that don’t belong in the kerbside bins.
*Which Bin – find out at a glance, what goes in which bin along with what doesn’t belong there and the correct methods of disposal.
* Materials A–Z – this searchable, extensive A–Z provides advice on which bin to put items in as well as great tips to re-use or recycle. The A–Z list allows users to choose the relevant list for their area, whether that’s 3-bin FOGO, 3-bin GO or 2 bin system.
* Find My Nearest – find your nearest drop off or recycling facility in Perth for items such as batteries, car parts, building/demolition waste, hazardous household waste and more.
*Bin Day Reminders – set reminders so that you never forget which bin goes out on what day for your area – no need to check which bins the neighbours have put out! Note: Currently, this feature is automatic for Resource Recovery Group Member Councils (City of Fremantle, City of Melville and the Town of East Fremantle) and manual for other council in the Perth Metro area.