Porsche Golf Circle

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The Porsche Golf Circle App is the digital home of the international Porsche Golf Community. It is where golf lovers from all over the world come together to share their fascination for Porsche & the game. It is also where members can find all the important information about the exclusive events at which participants experience not only golf but also Porsche in an incomparable way. Using the App, they can network with like-minded people and find more than the sum of their passions.

The new Porsche Golf Circle App, the daily digital golf companion for Porsche lovers, features:
- an overview of all the Porsche golf events - a diverse world with a large golf family, from the Porsche Golf Cup to the spectacular Porsche Golf Circle trips. Find out about all the events and book your dream days with the community.
- a network to interact with the global community & share your golf adventures, dreams and experiences.
- exciting stories from the world of Porsche and golf, plus tutorials from world-class players and teaching pros – includes videos, texts and images. Exclusive content tailored to your interests.
A Porsche ID account is required to use the Porsche Golf Circle App. Simply go to login.porsche.com.
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-mar, 2024

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