"RDR Soñata sound frequencies are for anyone who would like to explore and experience mindfulness and balance their emotional, mental, and physical being. Reduce your stress and increase relaxation to obtain optimal existence. RDR sound frequencies assist the mind and body experience breakthroughs – and cope with traumatic events and injuries.
We are empowering all to increase quality of life for people, animals and plant-life through customized sound frequencies that target specific conditions. Create a combination of sound frequencies to address various needs.
It is a science-backed understanding that certain tones help one relax, experience calmness, recover, focus, and manage stress, which subsequently, helps manage pain. The same outcome for these proven outcomes applies to other conditions including addiction, ADHD, allergies, anger, arthritis, back pain, bladder, bone regeneration, cold sores, cramps, dementia, faith, eyes, fibromyalgia, gout, guilt, hair loss, blood pressure, PMS, psoriasis, PTS(D), tinnitus, TMJ, weight loss, muscular dystrophy, and more, totaling 72 sounds to date.
Sounds for animals include heart, kidney, ringworm, and trauma (separation anxiety). We are endeavoring daily to create new sounds to ensure we provide help to everyone needing it.
Improve your overall wellness in the midst of your day-to-day activities. Enhance your experience with pure frequencies when you are ready to sit back and shift focus on your in-depth needs.
Improve your mood by addressing the culprit of your chronic pain. Safely explore and address the culprit behind your anger, or an inability to process your thought before reacting. Tap into the areas of your life that is normally closed off – and process progression with RDR as your ally in growth.
Some focused areas include Veterans and trauma. As a Veteran co-owned business, it was imperative to create a program focusing on military Veterans with PTS(D), chronic pain, addiction, and anxiety. Because the Founder experienced several years of trauma, it was imperative to create a program for people, especially children, who experienced any and all kinds of trauma.
The following sounds are the top heavily used seven sounds: Sleep sound helps you fall asleep. Use the speaker feature to listen to the sound and fall asleep and stay asleep comfortably.
Relax and Realign sound allows you to pause your busy day and gives you that 15-minute break to realign all parts of you, resulting in new inspired, creative ideas. Focus sound is used when concentration on a task is required, especially when there are constant distractions. Pain sound can be used to relax muscles or when in physical pain. It will relax the nervous system and alleviate some pain in your body. Using the headphones or speakers feature, apply the device directly to the area with pain. The Post Traumatic Stress (Disorder) sound can be used by anyone who has experienced trauma of any kind. The RDR Concussion sound is used immediately upon experiencing a concussion, or if having headaches or when reducing the severity of TBI. The Manifest sound opens up the mind and presents you with the vibration to manifest goals and aspirations. The individual will increase self-awareness of the creative ideas to fulfill what you want manifested.
Several studies have shown significant improvement when using frequencies: