Mood Meter

831 ta sharh
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1. Updated Jan 22, 2020

The Mood Meter helps you identify your emotions throughout the day and supports you when you’d like to shift to a different emotion. Using the Mood Meter is quick and easy, helping you expand your emotional vocabulary and discover emotional nuances. Use the Mood Meter to:

* Check-in regularly with your feelings at work, at home, anytime.
* Discover what causes you to feel the way you do and see patterns in your feelings over time.
* Share your emotion check-ins with a small circle of family, friends or colleagues.
* Learn effective strategies to help you regulate your feelings and enhance the way you manage your life each day.

Over time, you’ll develop emotional intelligence skills that can help you in all areas of life.
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-yan, 2020

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- Minor bugfix
- 'Delete Account' feature added