Motorcycle Theory Test UK

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Theory test preparation materials licensed by the Driving & Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA - the people who set the tests). Motorcycle Theory Test is the best App to help you prepare and pass your UK Motorcycle Theory Test FIRST TIME!

- Contains the complete DVSA Theory Test question bank for Motorcyclists in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
- Intelligent learning system: The questions are selected using an algorithm taking into account your latest scores and the questions that you need to practice more.
- Modern and easy to use interface with features including:-
~ Test simulator
~ Practice by category
~ The Highway Code
~ Statistics module to track and monitor your progress

The application is divided into the following sections:

* Mock Theory Test: Perform a simulation under the same conditions as the DVSA theory test. When you finish the test you will see your score and review all the questions. View full explanations after each question to help you remember the correct answer for next time.

* Practice Theory Test: Test your knowledge by practicing by categories. You can select one or more categories to practice. You can also perform rapid tests for 10, 20 or 30 questions. In this section there is no time limit and you can see the explanation before selecting the correct answer.

* Review All Questions: The entire question bank of questions presented to you by category.

* The Highway code: There is a digital version of The Highway Code where you learn the rules of the road and traffic signs.

* Progress Monitor: The application saves the result of each question answered and a history of failures and successes to offer the most advanced statistics system.

The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) has given permission for the reproduction of Crown copyright material. DVSA does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of the reproduction.
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-okt, 2023

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770 ta sharh

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* Improvements and minor corrections