WiFi Router Master & Analyzer

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WiFi Router Master app is a handy WiFi Manager and WiFi Analyzer tool (WiFi Analyzer, WiFi Speed Test, WiFi Signal Strength Meter, WiFi Security, Who Use my WiFi, WiFi Channel Assessment etc.).

The WiFi Router app is Powerful WiFi Protector and WiFi blocker and WiFi thief blocker to Detect Who use my WiFi and Protect my WiFi security. It is a Speed Test tool which helps you test Internet Speed and WiFi Speed.

Key Features:
★★Detect Who is On My WiFi (Who Use My WiFi)★★
The WiFi Router Master - WiFi Analyzer app can easily scan my WiFi and see how many devices connected to your WiFi router such as tplink/tp-link router, dlink router, netgear router etc.
Using the WiFi Router Master app, in seconds you know how many and which device is connected to your wireless router with IP, MAC and vendor listing.

★★Internet Speed Test★★
With just one tap, The Speed Test app will test internet speed and show accurate broadband speed test results quickly including WiFi hotspot, LTE, 4G, 3G networks.

★★WiFi Analyzer★★
WiFi Analyzer shows the WiFi channels around you. Helps you to find a less crowded channel for your WiFi router. It can tell you WiFi signal strength and see witch wifi signal is better.

★★WiFi Signal Strength Meter★★
WiFi Router Master can Quickly check your WiFi strength to help you find the best location. WiFi Analyzer can View your current WiFi connection signal strength and detect WiFi Signal Strength around you in real time.

★★Router Settings★★
With WiFi Router Master, You can easily access your admin page and make changes to your router settings. The Router settings app helps you to access modem router page of any Router modems( or etc.).

★★Router Passwords★★
If You forgot your router passwords and now can not access it, with WiFi Router Master - WiFi Analyzer app, now you can get it easy and in a fast way. It helps you discover default keys and passwords of the best selling WiFi Routers in the world.

★★More Tools★★
• WiFi List - Easily access WiFi list
• Ping - test internet speed
• Whois - provides information about a website and its owner
• And much more...

Do you want to boost your WiFi and manage your WiFi easily? You just need to start WiFi Router Master - WiFi Analyzer & Speed Test and it will help you!
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-apr, 2024

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Nima yangiliklar

- Detecting Who is on my WiFi
- WiFi Analyzer
- Speed Test
- WiFi Signal Meter
- Fix Bugs