Viðar Thorlaksson
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Does not respect notification categories. I'm getting a lot of notifications marked eg, "Samfund" and "krimi" despite these being off. I have tried reenabling and disabling, I've also tried reinstalling the app. Furthermore, the articles are very clickbaity in title and very dramatic in wording, even the weather. It's starting to rival eg, Ekstra bladet. The difference between DR and TV2 is getting very pronounced. Finally, sometimes scrolling malfunctions. Poor app.
TV 2 Danmark A/S
October 18, 2024
Tak for din feedback. Med venlig hilsen Line // TV 2
Jacob Eskildsen
Recently the app is crashing at nearly every convenience. Crashing in such a catastropic manner that it sometimes freezes the phone, or recently (because it was the last opened app, before screen turned off, it refused to show the login screen - waiting 10 seconds suddenly allowed me to enter, and the shut down the offending application. Force shutting down the app has now been necessary at least 10 times, to allow control back to the phone)
Andreas Sebastian Nielsen (Corrosive Hazards)
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Lately the app has become a sluggish experience. No matter if you select the type of news you want will you still be forced to see sports news and everything else you de-selected. Next is the scrolling. You used to be able to scroll normally with it smoothly scrolling the page when you let go. But not anymore, now if you scroll and let go will it just skip down a page with major lag.
TV 2 Danmark A/S
September 5, 2023
Du må gerne forsøge at slette app'en, slukke enheden et par minutter og tænde igen og hent app'en ned på ny. Virker det ikke er du velkommen til og sende en uddybende mail på så kigger vi på sagen. Med venlig hilsen Line // TV 2