The APP was designed to make it more usable access the main paths of the valley of the Great St. Bernard.
The routes are searchable by:
- Map
- The name of the route
For each route you can view:
- A description of how to access the base from Aosta or coming from the Gran San Bernardo tunnel
- A general description of the route with the main features
- All technical data (starting and altitude, arrival and height, difficulty, elevation gain, length, time of ascent and descent, best time) and a precise description of the climbing path.
- WP, which can be points of attention (forks) or interest (cultural or scenic interest, etc.). For points of attention there will be a brief description, the points of interest in the description will be more thorough.
The base map used is made available by OpenStreetMap which contains, in addition to basic directions, also the level curves and paths.
Specific features of the APP:
- Helping, using the available maps on Google Maps, you get to the starting point of the hike.
- Acoustic signal when approaching a WP (Enabled only when recording track)
- Acoustic signal when you travel off the right. (This feature only if you enabled logging track)
- Title search altitude and cartographic coordinates WGS84 in which you are located
- Technical dynamic to get to the end of the itinerary
- Ability to record the track and then send it by email
Keep in mind that the use of GPS has a significant absorption of energy and tends to quickly download (2:00 to 5:00 hours) on the phone.
To resolve this issue is advisable to have an extra battery.
Alternatively the APP allows to suspend the GPS, in this way greatly increases the life of the batteries.
They are also visible:
- The images of the single route
- A list of links to websites of interest
Points of Interest:
They entered the main points of interest: where to stay, where to eat, assets and services.
Of each point of interest are the main information.
Given that some areas do not have phone coverage is to preload in the local base maps from the configuration.
n any case it is always essential to have a map to be used in case there were problems with the APP or there were problems with the battery. (Always recommended that a spare battery).