Pɛrɛ - French dictionary
Written by
Bakari Jacques Boukar and Ahidjo Missa<
This dictionary is intended for those who would like to study or learn Pɛrɛ or look up particular words, either in Pɛrɛ or in French.
Pɛrɛ is classified as Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Volta-Congo, North, Adamawa-Ubangi, Adamawa, Leko-Nimbari, Duru, Voko-Dowayo, Kutin. This language is spoken in the following regions of Cameroon:
-Adamawa Region.
© 2022 Pɛrɛ Development Organization (PERDO)
Produced in association with SIL Cameroon, Lutheran Bible Translators Canada and the Translation and Literacy Branch of EELC.
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