Journal is a very simple app to keep a record of whatever you wish to record!
'Record Your Life'
By: Made in the USA copyright 2018
Simply click the text area and type your entry and that's it. If entry has been made it will be visible and editable until the next day, once it's the next day a new blank entry page will be ready for your entry. Past entries are still editable by selecting them in the right drawer.
Permissions / Definitions:
Calendar: To access your devices calendar to set date. Google calendar isn't accessed.
Storage/Photos/Media/Files: To access your phones SD card to store files.
Network Communications Internet: For the AdMob Ads.
Automatically Saves.
Add Edit and Delete Entries.
Changeable Background color.
Changeable Text color.
Changeable Text size.
Dual Navigation Drawers.
Made in the USA.
In short Journal does not collect, store or distribute any of your information or data.
The permissions are for app functionality. For more click the link below."
Journal is currently in development please email me with suggestions or comments.