Drivern is a Zambian ride-hailing company that offers the Drivern mobile app, which you can use to submit a trip request that is automatically sent to a Drivern driver near to you, alerting the driver to your location. The accepting Drivern driver will then come and pick you up and drive you to your requested destination.
The Drivern app automatically figures out the navigational route for the driver, calculates the distance and fare.
Driver app
Drivern gives its drivers access to a specific app. That app helps you decide how, where, and when to earn. When you want to drive, open the app and tap Go Online.
You can follow your earnings, decide when you want to get paid (end of a car trip, etc), minimize downtime, get access to turn-by-turn navigation directions, and leverage the rating system to help riders decide you're the best driver for them.
To drive and make money:
• Download and open the Drivern Driver App
• Signup in a simple way in few minutes
• Upload your documents
• Get Approved
• Click GO ONLINE and wait for requests.
• Navigate to pick your Rider
• Earn tips
Invite friends and make more money from referrals
Drive and make money at your own schedule
View your in-app wallet
You take the bulk of the fare and we only charge a small commission
Get bonuses and rewards
Track your performance and see where you are on the Super Driver Leaderboard
To feel safe while you drive:
• Share your ride details with family and friends
• Get Rider’s destination
• Emergency Contact
What’s New
• For performance improvement, regular updates will be done on the Drivern Driver App for efficient purpose and better driver experience.