Alien Time Lords

· One Media iP · 旁述:Synthetic Voice (TTS)
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This audiobook has been recorded using Text to speech (TTS).

Aliens and Time Travel are the two most popular science fiction genres. They hold a deep fascination in our collective mindset. What if there were in fact some truth behind them?

For generations mankind has been witnessing UFO and alien visitations. Bizarre and often surreal events that are either dismissed or ridiculed. Orbs of light, flying saucers, otherworldly apparitions and Men in Black. There is now an explanation for these and more. A unifying theory that explains all the so-called problems with ufology.

The aliens are not in fact aliens at all. They are humans from the future. Highly evolved, technologically advanced and on a mission to save the future of the human race.

Their skin has changed colour, their features evolved and their reproductive systems decimated. They come to extract DNA, sperm and eggs from our time to save the people of theirs.

This is the story of a species on the edge of extinction, coming back from the future.




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