Back to the Grinding: An erotic, FFM, sex club novella

· The Pleasure Associate কিতাপ 3 · Linda O'Dea · Dahlia Lyndeৰ দ্বাৰা বর্ণিত
১ টা পৰ্যালোচনা
2 ঘণ্টা 18 মিনিট
এটা বিনামূলীয়া 14 মিনিটৰ নমুনা লাগে নেকি? যিকোনো সময়তে শুনক, আনকি অফলাইন হৈ থাকোঁতেও। 
যোগ কৰক

এই অডিঅ’বুকখনৰ বিষয়ে

After the disastrous night with the brothers, Desiree has left La Petite Mort Club.

But she can’t sit on her couch and cry forever. She needs a job. She needs money.

When she’s given a second chance and a glimpse into how the rich live, will she decide to go back to the Club and resume her job as a Pleasure Associate?

If she does, will she be able to sell her body without selling pieces of herself along with it?

This is episode three in a serial fiction series. These stories do not end with an HEA.

This series will follow one young woman’s sexual journey of being a highly paid escort. The stories are erotic, super steamy, and kinky. This one tells the tale of Desiree’s decision to return to the Club and continue her job as a Pleasure Associate.

মূল্যাংকন আৰু পৰ্যালোচনাসমূহ

১ টা পৰ্যালোচনা

লিখকৰ বিষয়ে

Ellis O. Day loves romance—the steamier the better. She writes steamy, contemporary romantic comedies about the hot men of La Petite Mort Club and the women who drive them crazy. She believes that the cornerstones of all great romantic relationships are love and friendship, trust, attraction and fabulous sex. Her stories contain all of these (especially the fabulous sex).

এই অডিঅ’বুকখনৰ মূল্যাংকন কৰক

আমাক আপোনাৰ মতামত জনাওক।

অডিঅ'বুক শুনাৰ নির্দেশাৱলী

স্মাৰ্টফ’ন আৰু টেবলেট
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লেপটপ আৰু কম্পিউটাৰ
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ছিৰিজটো অব্যাহত ৰাখক

শ্ৰোতাসকলে এয়াও পচন্দ কৰিছে

Ellis O. Dayৰ দ্বাৰা আৰু অধিক