Barnabas, Quentin and the Hidden Tomb

· Dark Shadows বই 31 · Oasis Audio · Kathryn Leigh Scott-এর কণ্ঠে
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ফ্রিতে 33 মিনিট নমুনা চান? যেকোনও সময় শুনুন, এমনকি অফলাইন থাকার সময়ও। 

এই অডিওবুকের বিষয়ে

Barnabas, Quentin and the Hidden Tomb (December 1971)

Ellen awoke to see a ghostly figure moving through the shadows to her bedside.

“Ellen!” Her name was whispered hoarsely, but she recognized the voice. It was Aunt Kate’s.

“What’s wrong?” Ellen asked, getting out of bed.


Ellen sprang to her and eased her aunt down on the bed. “What is it?”

​ “Danger... vampire.”

Ellen found matches and lit the candle on her bedside table. As she studied her aunt’s death-like face in the flickering light she was appalled. “I must rouse the others and get a doctor!”

“Too late,” Aunt Kate whispered. “I’m dying. Don’t stay here. Find Barnabas... leave tonight.”

এই অডিওবুকের রেটিং দিন

আপনার মতামত জানান।

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সিরিজ পড়া চালিয়ে যান

Marilyn Ross এর থেকে আরো

এই ধরণের আরও অডিওবুক