Biblia Satanae ESA: Traditional Satanic Bible Expanded

· LCFNS · 내레이터: LCFNS
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오디오북 정보

Biblia Satanae Editio Secunda Amplificata is an expanded version of the original Biblia Satanae.

Biblia Satanae is a collection of godless and heretical religious writings, having different forms but sharing a common, godless message. Biblia Satanae, unlike the claims of divine inspiration of the Judeo-Christian Bible, is the Word of Man. It is not revealed or inspired by any deity. The godless Satanism that is a common feature of all its writings stems from a rejection of the concept of blind faith consistent with its definition in the writings of the Nazarene sect as:"the certainty of what is expected, the conviction of what is not seen".

Biblia Satanae consciously leads a dispute with the very core of Judeo-Christian theism.

It is clear from an analysis of the biblical writings that the greatest enemy of Abrahamic delusional religions is unbelief:

„The sinners in Zion are terrified; trembling grips the godless: "Who among us can live with the consuming fire? Who among us can live with everlasting flames?" Isa 33:14

"And every spirit who does not recognise Jesus is not of God; and this is the spirit of Antichrist, who, as you have heard, is coming and is already in the world". 1 John 4:3

"Who is a liar, if not he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is the antichrist who casts doubt on the Father and the Son." 1 John 2:22

"For many deceivers have gone out into the world who refuse to acknowledge that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. Such a one is a deceiver and antichrist." 2 John 1:7

It is the spirit of Antichrist that is behind unbelief. It is godlessness that is truly satanic.

Biblia Satanae contains, growing out of the spirit of the Antichrist, a godless, breaking theistic narcotic religious spell, a truly satanic philosophy or otherwise path, binding itself to total godlessness, the only weapon with the power to kill the gods.

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