
· Broken Tides 1-kitob · Tantor Media Inc · Emily Lawrence tomonidan hikoya qilingan
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Bu audiokitob haqida

A red tide is rising. Seventeen-year-old Jade is recently engaged to a handsome soldier and about to choose her own career. But she didn't expect to witness a murder. When her fiance kills a naiad, plunging the underwater city of Thessalonike into uproar, tensions surge between the mer and the naiads. Jade learns too late that the choices she makes ripple further than she'd ever imagined. And as she fights against the tide of anger in a city that lives for scandal, she discovers danger lurking in every canal, imperiling her family and shattering the ocean's fragile peace. Can the city's divisions be mended before the upwelling of hate rips apart everything Jade loves?

Muallif haqida

Catherine Jones Payne is a Seattle native who loves the written word, international travel, crashing waves, and good coffee. By day she's the managing editor of Quill Pen Editorial. She lives in Waco, Texas, with her historian husband, Brendan, and their cats, Mildred and Minerva.

Emily Lawrence, an actor and writer, is passionate about bringing stories to life. She has narrated more than 190 audiobooks, half of which were USA Today or New York Times bestsellers, and has also worked in film, television, and theater.

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