Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant: Essays

· Penguin Random House Audio · Կարդում է՝ Joel Golby
7 ժ 23 ր
Ամբողջական տարբերակ
Կարելի է ավելացնել
Ուզո՞ւմ եք 10 ր տևողությամբ անվճար օրինակը։ Լսեք ցանկացած ժամանակ, նույնիսկ առանց ինտերնետի։ 

Այս աուդիոգրքի մասին

*National Bestseller*

"This is a funny and beautiful book. What a little bastard." --Russell Brand
"Every paragraph is like doing a shot with a friend. A double." --Caitlin Moran

Joel Golby's writing for Vice and The Guardian, with its wry observation and naked self-reflection, has brought him a wide and devoted following. Now, in his first book, he presents a blistering collection of new and newly expanded essays--including the achingly funny viral hit "Things You Only Know When Both Your Parents Are Dead." In these pages, he travels to Saudi Arabia, where he acts as a perplexed bystander at a camel pageant; offers a survival guide for the modern dinner party (i.e. how to tactfully escape at the first sign of an adult board game); and gets pitted head-to-head, again and again, with an unpredictable, unpitying subspecies of Londoner: the landlord.

Through it all, he shows that no matter how cruel the misfortune, how absurd the circumstance, there's always the soft punch of a lesson tucked within. This is a book for anyone who overshares, overthinks, has ever felt lost or confused--and who wants to have a good laugh about it.

Հեղինակի մասին

Joel Golby is a staff writer for Vice, where he is among the site's most read contributors. He has written for The Guardian, Shortlist, and the BBC. He's more of a cat than a dog man, but he see merits in both. He lives in London.

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