Steven Harding has just graduated from university with a first class honours degree. He is now ready to begin a career in information technology, however, being an ex-criminal getting started is never easy. No longer is he an un-educated, drug-fueled, criminal. Now he has stopped the drinking and drugs and a new life awaits. Is he ready for the challenges ahead and is the world of IT ready for him.This is his continuing story of hope and inspiration that shows how with enough determination and desire anyone can improve their chances in life if they are willing to work, sweat and fight for their dreams and not simply sit around blaming everyone else for their misfortunes.For Steven the path has not been easy. He has very a violent past and the tragic loss of his mother and brother to deal with. Society had him labelled as a no hoper and very few were willing to give him a fresh start.Cappuccino Daydreams is the third book in the Buckland Gap trilogy and is a very different story that can easily hold its own. The story is about Stevens first year after his graduation from university.