In All Shall Be Well, Catherine McNiel reflects on the sacred work of creation and redemption going on all around us—that we are often too busy and distracted to notice. This is a book about walking barefoot on dew-drenched grass, chatting with neighbors, caring for children and aging parents, and crunching through fallen leaves. It is a book about living life from its imperceptible beginnings through to its full vibrancy, and continuing courageously on toward certain decline. About accepting both the flower and the thorn, the gift and the loss. These natural, God-ordained cycles are the materials of the Creator and Redeemer. This is where He meets and makes us. And underneath it all is the life-changing reality that the cold death of winter is always made alive by spring.
All Shall Be Well takes the message of creation and redemption out of stained glass cathedrals and textbooks and into our common experience of spring and summer, autumn and winter. Catherine intertwines reality with theology, awakening the listener to the truth of God declared all around us. Seamlessly weaving Bible passages into stories of real life, Catherine kindles belief in an unbelievable reality: that God does His creative, redemptive work in the mud and mortar of each mundane moment . . . and He is always, always making things new.